Annual Events in Oconee County, SC

Annual Events & Festivals

We love to celebrate and Oconee’s calendar is filled with events and festivals that happen each month every year.


First Day Hikes (SC State Parks)


Black History Luncheon (Seneca)

Valentine’s Dinner (Chattooga Belle Farm, Long Creek)


BellFest (Devils Fork State Park)

Race for the Green (Seneca)

Issaqueena’s Last Ride (Walhalla)

Spring Sweep Litter Cleanup (Sumter National Forest)


Cruzin’ on Main (Seneca)
1st Saturday April-October

Jazz on the Alley (Seneca)
Every Thursday April-October

Spring Sporting Clay Event (Seneca)

Cherokee Gathering/Earth Day (Walhalla)


Summer Square Dancing (Oconee State Park)
Every Friday June-July and Labor Day Weekend

Rock the Ranch Music Festival (Seneca)


Independence Fest (Walhalla)

Annual Hillbilly Day (Mountain Rest)

Independence Celebration (Seneca)


Stay Wild (Long Creek)

Walhalla Jeep Fest (Walhalla)


SC Apple Festival (Westminster)

National Hunting & Fishing Day (South Cove County Park)

South Carolina 4-H Jr. Naturalist (South Cove County Park)
8-week Youth Program

Hispanic Heritage Festival (Walhalla)

Seneca Jeep Fest (Seneca)

SC Foothills Heritage Fair (Seneca)


Kidfest Carnival (Seneca)

Oktoberfest (Walhalla)

Oktoberfest Rotary 5K (Walhalla)

SC Bigfoot Festival (Westminster)

Walhalloween (Walhalla)

Boo on Main (Westminster)

Halloween On The Green (Seneca)

Farm To Table Dinner (Long Creek)


Day of the Dead Festival (High Falls County Park)

Merchant Market (Walhalla)

Living History Day (Oakway)


Magic of Christmas (Seneca)
Downtown nightly throughout the month 

A Jazzy Christmas (Seneca)

Christmas on the Farm (Long Creek)


There’s so much more!

In addition to our annual events, dozens of fun and entertaining things are planned throughout Oconee County all year long!

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